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Some say I give
away too much.

I say: there’s more where that came from 😊
Michal presenting a large gift

Resources to help you write better copy — or get better at freelancing 

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Crash Courses
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Written Stuff
Crash Courses & CHECKLISTS

Like value-packed piñatas ’cept you don’t have to open them while blindfolded

Get bite-sized emails each day of the crash course for a quick, easy way to up your game
Hit it!
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Writing Fundamentals
Crash Course
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Pricing Pro™
Crash Course
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Conversion Killers
Crash Course: Writing Fundamentals

Every copywriting guru: 

“Copywriters are NOT writers! We are marketers. We are strategists. We are salespeople in print.”

So grand and profound.

Is it true?Yes...and no.

The best copywriters are outstanding writers.
If you don’t know how to write, you will never know how to copywrite.

Plus — even if you’re NOT a copywriter, if you ever send:

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...and you want those messages to be more effective, you need to know how to write.

My free 12-day Writing Fundamentals crash course teaches you how.

LinkedIn Testimonial quote
LinkedIn Testimonial quote
LinkedIn Testimonial quote
Crash Course: Pricing Pro™

If you’ve freelanced for more than 3.5 days, you know pricing is hard. There are so. many. factors. 😱 And it’s what often makes or breaks a deal.

This 6-day email crash course on pricing (enjoyed by 2669 freelancers to date) gives you:

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The 3 things you must base your prices on 

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4 reasons why charging hourly is a baaaad idea 😬

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The only 2 questions you need to ask if a prospect has a firm (low) budget 

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The only time you should negotiate on price

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The 4 Fs of freelancing — and why every project needs one “F”

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My simple (but life-changing) system for calculating project rates

LinkedIn Testimonial quote
LinkedIn Testimonial quote
Checklist: Website Conversion Killers

Is your website repelling good leads?

It could be a readability issue (it often is!)

Get my fundamental B2B checklist — Website Conversion Killers — and discover 10 common readability mistakes that make visitors dizzy, overwhelmed, and unlikely to engage. 😬


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What exactly are web margins — and why they matter

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How to go easy on your audience’s eyes — and why alignment makes a difference

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Font fundamentals you might not know (but should)

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How to use colors & contrast so they don’t bring on a migraine

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How to let your website breathe — and why that’s crucial for your content

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What nobody wants to read on the web — and what to add instead

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How to display testimonials so people actually read them

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One cardinal rule for navigation bars


Some (fun!) videos I’ve recorded

on copywriting, LinkedIn, and work-life balance  
Linkedin Content

I am mildly obsessed with LinkedIn…maybe cuz it 10Xed my business in 18 months?

I post helpful content there regularly. Come hang out with me!

I like this, can I get you IRL?”

Yes. I’m right behind this big yellow button ↓