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So you want to cut through the fluff?

So you want to

cut through

the fluff?

We’re perfectionists, but not the annoying kind. Trusted by 200+ clients, 1,593 copywriters…and at least 7 undercover unicorns.

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For B2B SaaS: bold messaging strategy + web copy

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For copywriters & freelancers: proven programs + products

Portrait of Michal
Animation of Michal throwing fluff in the bin
Michal Logo

How we can help you

right now

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for B2B tech

Positioning and storytelling for B2B SaaS & tech — and sharp, fresh web copy engineered to resonate with your very best customers.

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for freelancers

Interactive, cohort-based mentorship programs that give you all the fundamentals you need — minus the fluff.

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for copywriters

Instant downloads and digestible videos that you’ll pull out again and again. Designed by busy people, for busy people.

Portrait of Michal
Is there an adult in the room?
Portrait of Michal
Hola! I’m Michal.
Native New Yawkah, Extreme Type A-er, and founder of

Let’s be real: you’ve heard enough buzzwords to last a lifetime.

You want tight, resonant messaging — not everything-but-the-kitchen-sink copy cobbled together by committee. 😬

Enter stage right: us

After working as an agency copywriter for 10+ years, I went out on my own and built a boutique agency known for precise, punchy B2B copy.

I also created a collection of premium programs & products for copywriters and freelancers. Every product I create bakes 15+ years of trial-and-error into a chewable (and surprisingly tasty!) pie. Because you shouldn't have to learn everything the hard way.

Michal Eisik signature
Portrait of Michal
I also:
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Have 15+ years experience in marketing & writing

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Helped 200+ brands punch-ify their messaging

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Wrote 1,764 pages of web copy (give or take 😉)

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Guided 1,593 copywriters & freelancers

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Trained 531 students in mentorship programs CopyTribe and Profitable Freelancer

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Share marketing insights with 4,800+ founders, marketers, and freelancers each week

Honored to work with bold brands like:

Our Agency

Team of Michal Eisik working at laptop
Our mission
We help B2B tech companies turn their messaging from a (buyer-repelling) liability to a competitive advantage — with copy that’s:
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impossible to ignore.


How we can work together
(if you're a founder or CMO who's obsessed with getting it just right)
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Landing Page Intensive

Book our brains (and fingers) for 4 packed days to transform your most important messaging into a needle-moving homepage or landing page.

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Complete Website Copy

Get end-to-end website copy (plus a foundational Positioning Brief) done and dusted in just 5 weeks — by an A-team of perfectionists.

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Positioning Workshop

Thorough discovery — then 2 synchronous hours of focused 1:1 strategizing with Michal, with a clear post-session brief.

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Power Hour

Get expert eyes on your copy — and upgrade key sections from okay to WOAHKAY in just one hour.

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Portrait of Kira
“A deeper level of work that
most people can’t offer

"Michal’s copy was thoughtful and well-written and strategic — it wasn t just fun. It was really thinking through “How do we do this in a way that meets your goals?” It was a deeper level of work that I don t think a lot of people can do or offer.

I had high expectations going in, and she matched them. Michal has a certain level of excellence; she cares about the work she s doing. She doesn t just try to dial it in — she wants it to be at a certain level. Working with her was collaborative and professional; she has a process."

Kira Hug
CoFounder, The Copywriting Club & TCC Podcast

Okay, enough about us

Here's what matters to clients like you
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“Their copy helped us win 5 multi-million dollar contracts”

The copy Michal and her team created for us has contributed to all the wins we’ve had over the last few years: the 5 multi-million dollar contracts we’ve won, the awards we received, and the overall increase in our brand recognition nationwide.

I’d recommend Michal and co. for any growth-mode tech startups that need help telling their story. We’re going to be working with her agency more and more.

Ritu Raj
Vice President of Growth,
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"Michal challenged us and helped us narrow our positioning"

As an early stage software company in the middle of repositioning our product, we wanted to have an independent 3rd party expert help us with messaging and copywriting on our website. Fortunately for us, we found Michal!

During the discovery process, Michal challenged us and helped us narrow our positioning. We tended to try to message for multiple audiences at once and use too much industry jargon, but Michal kept guiding us back to focus and simplify, which was really valuable.

Dan Quirk
Cofounder & Head of Marketing, scaleMatters
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"Catch her while you can... before she’s booked solid!"

If you want a professional, creative copywriter who will not only write compelling copy, but will also deliver it a day early, YOU MUST WORK WITH MICHAL. Michal is both talented and diligent. And she treats her clients like royalty. The only downside? She’s too good! Catch her while you can...before she’s booked solid!

Kira Hug
CEO, Kira Hug Media
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"Hire her. She's that good."

If you get the chance to work with Michal, seize it. She’s a terrific copywriter who invests the time and effort to truly understand the customer's needs to get the right response (and sales). All the pieces are here — great writer, smart strategist, easy to work with. Hire her. She's that good.

Rob Marsh
CEO of Brandstory
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"I've never encountered a copywriter of Michal's professional caliber."

Over the years I've worked with many copywriters — but I've never encountered a copywriter of Michal's professional caliber.

Our product is complex. Michal managed to strip away the layers and distill it to its essentials. She crafted a marketing message that was at once engaging, concise, and crystal-clear. I have truly become a raving fan of her and her team's excellent work, and look forward to continued collaboration.

Kurtis Gare
Executive Vice President, Clozzits
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"She and her team were fully invested in the whole process."

From our very first meeting, Michal immediately understood our brand and how we wanted it portrayed. We wanted our site to be perfect, and she embraced that challenge, with warmth and professionalism.

In fact, Michal became our strategic partner. She gave her expert input on layout and design, how to structure the website...she and her team were fully invested in the whole process.

Miruna Dragomir
CMO, Planable
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"Michal may be the best outside partner I’ve ever worked with"

I’ve worked with a lot of people over 20 years — and Michal may be the best outside partner I’ve ever worked with.

We spent 2 years(!!) looking for help: we had an overly corporate website that looked just like everybody else. We wanted messaging that was more focused and human — and more us — but we didn’t know how to do that without sounding generic. Then we found Michal. When we got back the copy — it was like looking into a corporate mirror and saying, “That’s me!” We finally found our identity.

Elizabeth Wilson
President, Zeek
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"She captured the essence of our business extremely well, extremely quickly."

Our business model, customer base, route to market — it’s all complex. I didn’t believe Michal would be able to capture the essence of our business within such a short period of time. Yet she managed to do that extremely well, extremely quickly.

I'd recommend Michal and her team to any business trying to define their own offering. Working with her helped us with our commercial positioning as much as it did with the language that we wanted to go to market with.

Anton Chalk
Director of Operations, Eterna Cloud

Our programs

Our LIVE cohort-based programs combine engaging, zero-fluff content with deep accountability — so you actually complete the program…and emerge with confidence, clarity, and a supportive community for life.

For new or emerging copywriters who want to feel confident and skilled

A 7-month interactive certification program covering every fundamental you need to grow from strong writer to confident copywriter.

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Marketing funnels

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Copywriting frameworks

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“Met all my goals”

CopyTribe met all my goals: the basics of writing copy, the logistics of starting your solopreneur business, and the strategy behind good copy. If I'd skipped CopyTribe and taught myself from free blogs or YouTube tutorials, I *never* would've acquired my current depth and breadth of knowledge. And through implementation challenges that were reviewed in detail, and daily moderators in Slack, I had access to mentors that I couldn't have found on my own.

Morgan Hugoboom

For creative professionals who want to run smoother,
more profitable businesses

An 8-week mentorship program covering every
fundamental you need to run a lucrative, low-stress freelance business.

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Client Management

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“The best business investment I made”
Portrait of Hannah Lipschutz

The Profitable Freelancer is a business incubator that is career-transforming. It teaches you every *single* thing you need to run a successful business.Taking it was the best business investment I made. It kickstarted my business, and I went from treading the muddy freelancing waters to having clarity and confidence in what I was doing.

Hannah Lipschutz
Email Strategist,

Our products

Our zero-fluff templates, guides, and mini-courses help you freelance better.
Think: shorter projects, less soul-sucking admin, no spaghetti-throwing, and clients with whom you build long-lasting trust — no fake smile required. 😁
Portrait of Michal
One thing I hate:

Products that sound awesome, but end up in your Google Drive Graveyard.
(I have 437 of those! 🙄)

My mission:

Create ridiculously useful stuff.

If I wouldn’t use it myself, you’re not getting it.
No pointless fluff or time-wasting nonsense

What people on LinkedIn say
about our products:

There's no such thing
as a free lunch

...but there are free resources that people actually consume — and enjoy
For freelancers
Turns out, you don’t have to suffer through pricing alone 🥴

Get our 6-day Pricing Pro email crash course, covering:

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The 3 things you must base your prices on

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4 reasons why charging hourly can mess you up 😬

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The only 2 questions you need to ask if a prospect has a firm (low) budget

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The only time you should negotiate on price

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The 4 Fs of freelancing — and why every project needs one “F”

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My simple (but life-changing) system for calculating project rates

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For B2B founders & CMOs
Is your website actively
good leads?

Get this readability checklist to make sure it’s not. Discover:

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What exactly are web margins — and why they matter (a lot)

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How to go easy on your audience’s eyes — and why alignment makes a difference

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Font fundamentals you might not know (but should)

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How to use colors & contrast so they don’t bring on a migraine

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How to let your website breathe — and why that’s crucial for your content

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What nobody wants to read on the web — and what to add instead

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How to display testimonials so people actually read them

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One cardinal rule for navigation bars

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