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Discovering their (real) brand identity after decades
Brand Positioning

"Michal may be the best outside partner I’ve ever worked with"

I’ve worked with a lot of people over 20 years — and Michal may be the best outside partner I’ve ever worked with. 

We had an overly corporate website that looked just like everybody else. We wanted messaging that was more focused and human — and more us — but we didn’t know how to do that without sounding generic. Once we got back the copy from Michal — it was like looking into a corporate mirror and saying, “That’s me!” We finally found our identity.

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Elizabeth Wilson
President @ Zeek
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Who is



An agile development agency that specializes in SaaS products, Zeek has been a leading actor on the tech scene for an astonishing 25+ years. (That’s practically centuries in tech years!)

Why they came

Zeek may be ancient, but their tech prowess is cutting-edge. When they came to us, they were making (and fixing!) websites, developing SaaS products, and doing anything under the development sun — and their customers loved them. Probably because of the nimble geniuses on their small, handpicked team who can do pretty much everything. 

BUT…just because you can do everything doesn’t mean you should.

Zeek’s team were ready to position as specialists. They were good at, well, all the things, but they were interested in hyper-focusing on one niche, then rising to the crème de la industry. 
But what was that niche that made their hearts beat?

That’s what they needed help determining. 

And while they struggled to articulate their unique offer, they faced a second challenge: communicating their unique identity. Unlike so many order-taker developers out there, Zeek’s people are a warm, friendly bunch who thrived on human connection. They develop relationships with their clients (even send them funny memes). Most importantly, they view themselves as partners, an extension of their client’s team — they are truly invested in their success. 

How can we craft messaging that encapsulates all that? they wondered. 

Zeek needed help with their positioning and focus — then relaying the newfound focus through a targeted and compelling homepage that represented their true identity and reflected their vibrant team culture.

Why they left happy

We started with a Brand Positioning Workshop, leading Zeek to identify their ideal client: SaaS founders. Through our pointed questions, they realized their truth — working to develop new products (or improve existing ones) is what got them out of bed in the morning. 

To their core, they are product developers.
They love to strategize and architect awesome products that people love using every day. 

With that knowledge in hand, we created a new homepage for them, one that reeked (in a good way!) of their new positioning *and* of the personality and values that were there all along, in a way that spoke directly to their ICP.

For example, we used language that resonates with founders to prick their pain points — but not too hard.

Our clear, lighthearted copy reflects Zeek’s personality while plugging the unique differentiators that have made clients fall in love with them, every time.

A clever “fit list” (if we can say so ourselves) helps clients self-identify as Zeek people or not.

Sometimes it’s not super obvious when a client is thrilled with our work. Not this time. Presenting the final homepage deliverable may or may not have resulted in tears of joy. #ourlipsaresealed 

The sum-up

When you don’t know who you are, you end up doing stuff you don’t really want to do. We were thrilled to help a pretty cool company get strategically more in touch with themselves — empowering them to attract the clients & projects that light them up. ✨

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This nice!

I want this kinda copy too

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